Newbie :)


In the Brooder
May 6, 2017
Hello BYC!

I have been lurking for about two months, and finally decided to introduce myself.
We purchased sixteen one day old chicks a little over a month ago (4 weeks and 2 days to be exact.) We are new to raising chickens, and I have gotten so much great info on various posts here on BYC.
The chicks are all doing great and seem pretty happy. We have 13 Easter Eggers and three Maran chicks.
I knew that we would greatly enjoy having the chicks, caring for them, and eventually collecting eggs, I never realized how much we'd LOVE them. They're turning out to be lovely little pets, and my daughter is enthralled by them. :)
We are looking forward to watching them grow! I've attached a picture of them in their (not quite finished) chicken tractor.
Do you have a predator proof coop built yet?
Just about! We renovated one of the sheds into a coop, the shed already had a fence around it. We are adding 5 foot high chicken wire around the enclosure (I don't know the measurements off hand but it's pretty large) and we are also putting a few 10 foot posts in the middle of that yard in order to get deer netting over top.
Chicken wire only keeps chickens IN, it does nothing to keep predators OUT. They can bite & scratch through it easily. The gold standard of wire is 1/2" Hardware cloth, securely affixed to a frame.

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