Newby from Wisconsin


In the Brooder
7 Years
Nov 15, 2012
I just joined BYC and am excited about asking a few questions I have. I recently started raising chickens for the first time and am loving it. However, from time to time I have many unanswered questions. I want my girls to be happy and healthy for a long time to come since this is our first flock we've started for the first time. We just got the chicks on Aug. 30. It was touch and go with raising the little ones. We had one die the first day, then another the second. We were so sad. Then six weeks later we put them out in the coop for the first time and another one died. We still don't know what happened. They say it just does. I'd really like to know why or how. Anyway, I've been feeding them all kinds of grains and veggies and fruit. So far they have loved everything I've given them. Now to my question, can I feed them quinoa? If so, can I give it to them cooked or raw? I know it's very good for them to eat and for us too. I just wanted to make sure they can have it now because they aren't laying yet. We still have a few weeks to go. Thanks, so much for the info. I am looking forward to hearing all your answers.
Greetings from Kansas, sweeters, and
! Great to have you here! Those are some interesting questions. I guess I would want to know if you were feeding them a commercial feed along with the various grains and fruit you give them. My birds get all sorts of odds and ends - but that is supplemental to a proper layer feed. They seem to like most everything and truthfully, very little is harmful to chickens. Please don't take just my word, but I think quinoa, as a seed, should be fine for chickens. They seem to be able to eat most anything natural. But again, you might ask around. I want to reiterate the importance of a food made for chickens...and then add in the other stuff. Best of luck to you!
Hey thanks Kansas. Yes, I gave them the uncooked quinoa today and they gobbled it down! I want to grow it in the garden for them next year now that I know they love it and is good for them too. Yes, I feed them chick-go kent feed as well as all the other stuff. They love to eat oatmeal and and anything grainy and wow do they love bread. I give them the whole grain breads tho. Thanks for the reply. Good luck with your flock adventure as well.
Hello and welcome to BYC
Glad you joined us!

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