
grammys chicken

6 Years
Apr 23, 2013
hello! I am so glad I found this site. My husband and I have just a few (13) chickens. We also have a special rooster ( Henry) who was abused by a large flock at my son's coop. When we took Henry, he was blind in one eye and very afraid of other chickens. Henry likes to sit up high and so we feed him on his roost ( you have to tap on the the board to show him where the food is) and he is quite happy being the "overseer" of the flock. The rest of our chickens leave him alone and he is content. I am really interested in the PVC pipe feeder. I am having knee replacement surgery next month and will be in the hospital several days, so this would be perfect for us. I welcome any small flock tips or input.
thanks - we also have a very spoiled dog, inside cat and an outside cat that just had a litter of 5 kittens! Someone dumped her - she is the sweetest kitty - Granddaughter named her Sugar!

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