Newly hatched duckling's belly botton is open still! We're ok now!


10 Years
Jul 15, 2009
My duckling just hatch. I had to help since the membrane was stuck all over him/her. I gently pilled back the shell and membrane. I never saw any blood or anything. I helped with the top half of the shell until she was able to get her head out then stopped. She got herself the rest of the way out. I went to pick her up and check on her when I saw the bottom of her belly is about the size of a pea. Just a round hole like of looks just like a kids belly botton. I have NO idea what to do? Just leave it or do I put a bandaid on it?

I hope someone comes along quick because I am freaking out!

ETA: Thank you everyone who answered so quickly for me.
I was really scrared for a moment. I think I got enough answers to get me through this. This was my very first animal of any kind hatching so when I saw that I just freaked.
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Its ok its happens-not all the time but it happens...leave her in bator-let it absorb by itself-give it a few hours. It doesnt sound big at all ( pea size is small) My baby call is 2 weeks old now and it had a golf ball size yolk outside its body when hatched-it took a few hours in the bator and walla-all absorbed! give it time:)
Ok, ok thank you for replying so quickly! I was doing every search I could think of and reading tons of things.

I put my hand in the bator and the little thing just wants to curl up in my hand. So I should just leave it in the bator. I wanted to just hold her in a warm blanket but I guess leaving her might be better.
Happens and is no big deal if it stops bleeding. Those ducks are usually very tired anyway so I put them onto a paper towel in the incubator. I also mix water with electrolytes and make them take a zip. A little bit sugar can also be added. That seems to work. I had a duckling that had an outgoing belly button. It stuck out like an eraser. Took 2 days to move back in. No blood, so I figured it will be fine and it was. Should have taken a picture, because it looked so strange.
Thank goodness she wasn't bleeding from it, I would have just lost it thinking I killed her. It just startled me when I picked her up and saw her belly like that. She is sleeping in the incubator. I know it was from the humidity being to low. The bator is set up with silkie chicken eggs in it. We just had to do something with these last four eggs since our broody thought she was done when the other 10 hatched.

Thank you SO much everyone. Should I wait until she fluffs up to take her out?

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