NO eggs :(


In the Brooder
7 Years
Nov 4, 2012
my chickens haven't laid eggs in about a month, I don't know what is wrong, it is not their age because they have just turned a year old or are close to a year old, and I have 2 pullets that are 5 months old and should be laying soon. I have only got 1 egg this entire month. I spent time sealing up the coop and locking the nesting box closed to keep animals out. they have access to water all night and day, I refill the buckets inside the coop just before I put them in for the night. They are also able to free range all day plus I feed them chicken feed twice a day with supplements to help with egg production, and I give them healthy snacks throughout the day so I do not think it is poor nutrition or lack of water. I also see no signs of predators getting into the coop nothing is disturbed no egg pieces or yolk goo. I have a large fence surrounding the entire coop a fenced in run area and double layered chicken wire in all the coop windows and my coop is elevated 3ft off the ground and I don't notice anything disturbed. They also have been showing no signs of illness their poop is healthy looking they are not molting they have nice feathers, no lice or mites, they are playful, and running around with no signs of weakness. I am so confused about this I just don't get it . and now we are having to buy store bought eggs. I don't know what to do.
well I know they stop laying well slow down on production the colder and less sunlight they get so make sure they get sunlight in the coop and were you are they don't have a too cold area or air conditioning
They have nice feathers they are not molting , and it has been 75- 80 degrees here they also get plenty of light in the coop because we designed it to get allot of light. They are also out free ranging everyday till about 8 o'clock. I don't get why they are not laying I have been doing everything possible to fix what could possibly be a problem. I added extra feed and water dishes, I put locks on the nesting box door so nothing can open it to get in. I double chicken wired the windows to keep predators out, I added extra fencing around the coop which makes 3 barriers. I check the area every morning and night to check for signs of an animal getting in and nothing is ever disturbed, no tracks, no nothing. I have examined all my chickens to check for signs of illness and I don't see anything. I did a cleaning out and I scrubbed everything and added fresh hay. and I added supplements to their feed. I am still not getting any eggs I don't know what to do now.
also make sure there not stressed because I know they wont lay when there stressed so I don't think they are but its still a possibility other than that I just recommend you take them to a vet or poultry and bird vet
I set up trail cams and I am thinking about making a separate area for the ducks I have I think maybe they are getting stressed from being mixed together. I will give it a try and see what happens

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