No incubator


In the Brooder
9 Years
Jul 2, 2010
San Lorenzo
I have been seeing all the cool birds that I could have if I had an incubator. I am looking for high quality Marans (prefer FC or Splash) but the only way to get them are in the form of eggs. Does anyone out there ship chicks? I have SC from a hatchery and the eggs are not as dark as I want. If anyone can help out I would appreciate it.
Probably the best thing to do is find the Marans thread or I think there is a dark egg thread, and get to know some of those folks, they can probably hook you up with some chicks.
Do you not want an incubator or just can't get one? I just got one and they are fairly inexpensive and a ton of fun...... Hatching chicks is so much more fun than just getting some and raising them. good luck with whatever you decide.
I keep reading about practice practice practice and I don't want to lose an expensive batch of eggs and don't have room to keep all the practice chicks.
First off get you some barnyard eggs from a local that has fertile eggs & you wont have a lot of money in them, Put the practice chicks on Craigslist, Ill guarantee you it will not take long to get rid of them, that's what i did, I gave away the mutts & the people who got them also came back to buy my good chicks, got to get to know your bator & what its capable of.
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I have two excellent incubators, but the fun/easy/sure way is letting hens hatch and care for their babies. Get a couple of silkie hens, sneeze real loud, and they'll go broody because they think you yelled at them.

Ever consider becoming a professional comedian?

OP, if you get a bator, you need to have a plan for the roos. Too often I see on here people with roos they can't give away and don't want eaten. Really, the freezer is the only workable solution in the long run. Be prepared. And I agree with Joe, I have no bator, don't want one, I use broodies.
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I currently have three roosters to my 12 hens, much to the dismay of the hens. A friend of mine has an incubator and tried his hand twice at being master hatcher. He even left the eggs in there past the 21 day mark, just in case you know (ewww). With that ratio of roos to hens I figure if my eggs aren't fertile then something is wrong and they all deserve freezer time.
What incubators do you have? I have gone out and sneezed at my silver cuckoos and the hens actually laughed at me.

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