Non-bearded white silkie pullet $25


7 Years
Feb 22, 2012
Northeast Ohio
I have a white non bearded silkie up for sale or trade. She is young as she just started laying a few weeks ago. I do not have a use for her as she is the only silkie I have and I'm not planning on breeding her any time soon and would hate to see her good qualities get wasted. I would be willing to trade her for a barred cochin cockerel/cock or a dozen barred cochin hatching eggs( LF ). If you have an older retired one I would take him for her or good one doesn't matter as long as it's not hatchery stock and poor quality. He would have to be LF. I believe she would do decently as a show but I'm not a breeder of silkies so I have not the slightest clue. My birds have been tested for pullorum within the last year and tested negative. There is no shipping on her as I'm not set up to do that. If interested please PM me.

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