Non laying hens eating oyster shell


Oct 19, 2020
New Jersey
Hey guys I’m feeding my entire flock starter grower with oyster shell on the side. I have noticed that my 21 week old barred rocks that aren’t laying yet have been eating oyster shell. Can this be a negative to their health if they aren’t laying yet? Or does this mean they may start laying soon? Just don’t want to do any damage by leaving it for them. Thanks for the help!!
Hey guys I’m feeding my entire flock starter grower with oyster shell on the side. I have noticed that my 21 week old barred rocks that aren’t laying yet have been eating oyster shell. Can this be a negative to their health if they aren’t laying yet? Or does this mean they may start laying soon? Just don’t want to do any damage by leaving it for them. Thanks for the help!!
When did you put out the oyster shell?
They could be eating it because it is something new. If they don't need it, they should stop using it shortly. That is, if this is something new that you just recently put out.
If it has been there a while, they may be close to laying.
This is true I just didn’t want to do anything that could cause them to have issues with the extra calcium.

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