Non-Poisonous & Chicken Proof Plants


12 Years
Sep 30, 2007
Jacksonville, ORegon
What do you have growing amidst your chickens that they don't eat and have no interest in?

I have a 500sq ft pen area off of the coop, and I want to add some plants to create additional shade and predator coverage. Any ideas and personal experience would be appreciated. Thanks!
* I have a bouganvillia tree that Miss Chook has adopted as her favorite hang-out. She yanks a fresh leaf now & again and eats fallen blossoms, but that's all. The bouganvillia has 2-3 inch sharp spines, so it's great cover against hawks-- but a literal pain to prune!!!! And naturally, we have to prune often enuf to keep the trunks clear underneath it at the base, 2 foot or so up to keep HER from getting poked by it, and ya tend to get grabbed, stabbed & scratched in the process!!!
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As soon as there coop had been built. I am going to replant the blackberry bushes. its perfect for shelter and provides shade while giving them something to snack on
I never knew that. thank you for telling me. We are in an area with no snakes... well I never seen one since we moved here 5 years ago. how about some evergreen shrubs?
If you keep them pruned up at the bottom you shouldn't have a problem with snakes. They just like the shade and the cover. And get thornless varieties, much less painful to pick them when they ripen! Ouachita is a good one.
Does any one know thing about wisteria, I wanted to plant some of that when the weather warms up and let it spread over the run, By planting it in the middle between my dau dog pen and my chicken pen we would both get some shade for the pets, she has mini pens(sorry lousy spelling) small dogs anyway, and it would help us both out.

Owned by 13 RIR,1pitt bull 1 poodle mix 1 yorkie1 great dane and l crabby gray cat

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