Non-thriving hen


9 Years
Jan 25, 2010
Witley, UK
Hi guys,

I had 13 chooks, and about 3 weeks ago my husband came home with a very sorry looking specimen that apparently hadn't eaten for 3 days. He was at her work and they were going to cull her, but he felt sorry for her as she desperately ran away from her would be killers. She had so much energy left, and just didn't look sick enough to warrant being killed. He brought her home to me, where I kept her in a dog crate in my spare room. At first she refused to eat, which really worried me as she was literally skin and bone! After some light persuasion though, I finally managed to get her to eat some high protein recovery cat food. Over the next few days I continued to feed her up, and then placed her in a separate enclosure within our main chicken run. At first she was absolutely petrified of the other chickens, which made me think the others had bullied her out of eating at my husbands work. Gradually the flock acclimatized to her presence, and when they paid no heed to her at all, I let her integrate. She is now a happy part of the flock, but I have been examining her every day, and am concerned as from afar she looks ok, behaving normally, stuffing herself with food and squabbling over corn like the rest of them, but from close up, she doesn't seem to be developing properly. Her comb and wattle are non existant,she is still very skinny, and her crop is very enlarged but soft and squidgy. I emptied her once in case it was sour crop but the contents were not foul smelling, just watery. I am loathed to seperate her from the flock and have to go through the introductions again, so don't know if she's pooing normally. She is very active and happy in herself. I was wondering if she may have some sort of digestive problem, in which case what can I do for her??
She's approximately between 15 and 18 weeks old and is a Bovan Nera.

Hi guys,

I had 13 chooks, and about 3 weeks ago my husband came home with a very sorry looking specimen that apparently hadn't eaten for 3 days. He was at her work and they were going to cull her, but he felt sorry for her as she desperately ran away from her would be killers. She had so much energy left, and just didn't look sick enough to warrant being killed. He brought her home to me, where I kept her in a dog crate in my spare room. At first she refused to eat, which really worried me as she was literally skin and bone! After some light persuasion though, I finally managed to get her to eat some high protein recovery cat food. Over the next few days I continued to feed her up, and then placed her in a separate enclosure within our main chicken run. At first she was absolutely petrified of the other chickens, which made me think the others had bullied her out of eating at my husbands work. Gradually the flock acclimatized to her presence, and when they paid no heed to her at all, I let her integrate. She is now a happy part of the flock, but I have been examining her every day, and am concerned as from afar she looks ok, behaving normally, stuffing herself with food and squabbling over corn like the rest of them, but from close up, she doesn't seem to be developing properly. Her comb and wattle are non existant,she is still very skinny, and her crop is very enlarged but soft and squidgy. I emptied her once in case it was sour crop but the contents were not foul smelling, just watery. I am loathed to seperate her from the flock and have to go through the introductions again, so don't know if she's pooing normally. She is very active and happy in herself. I was wondering if she may have some sort of digestive problem, in which case what can I do for her??
She's approximately between 15 and 18 weeks old and is a Bovan Nera.

hey do you have a pic of her! Sorry I cant really help I not the best at the digestive tract sicknesses but I hope she recovers!
I've just emptied her crop again because it was completely full! Is it possible for chickens to have a non smelly version of sour crop? I've fed her some biolive yoghurt after emptying her in case.. She's such a sweet chicken, even though I've had her the shortest amount of time she is one of the tamest, my other neras are flighty things! It's like she knows I rescued her <3 I just hope she can start to thrive and develop properly and that there's not anything too wrong with her!
Hi guys, still struggling with this little girl. Her crop is continuously filling over about 3 days, despite me emptying her daily and feeding her biolive yoghurt to try and improve gut flora.. She seems bright and well in herself. She's eating, drinking and wandering around with the others, but I've noticed she's starting to hold her wings out to the sides, almost like a swan doing the territorial 'hoop wing' thing.. I am also now not able to fully empty her crop, despite my best efforts. The liquid comes out, but it still feels half full..

In the lower picture you can see how swollen her crop is, and this was after emptying, but also after feeding, which she wolfed down! I have been mixing in grit to try and break down any potential blockage, but I don't know what to do next!
Any suggestions??




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