Normal poo/intestinal shedding or coccidiosis?


5 Years
Mar 8, 2014
Minneapolis-ish, MN


A bit of history please? Age? How raised? Feed? How many, how are they housed? Has it been very wet recently? And, most importantly, how are they acting?

My youngsters gave me a bit of a scare about a month ago. But, they were acting fine. They were about 9 weeks old. I took a wait and see approach, and found that it was nothing to worry about. My flock is on fermented fee. It had been quite wet for a few days, but, as I said... all is well.
There are 7 chicks, most 2.5 weeks old, but I think I have a week older, and one a week younger. Three of them came on Sunday from a farm hatchery nearby, the other four from a commercial hatchery as day old's. The oldest one is the one that made the last sample. They are housed in a brooder indoors, bedded with straw and paper towels; towels changed once once or more daily. On medicated feed but didn't have it for th first week, and not sure what the farm fed them.
Here's a bad picture of the brooder. I don't think they are crowded.

They are acting mostly fine. My EE is sort of making some cute chatty noises, which is new, she's had a couple of sneezes. The RIR has seemed a little more tired, sleeping standing up, not running away from me as much.
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There are 7 chicks, most 2.5 weeks old, but I think I have a week older, and one a week younger. Three of them came on Sunday from a farm hatchery nearby, the other four from a commercial hatchery as day old's. The oldest one is the one that made the last sample. They are housed in a brooder indoors, bedded with straw and paper towels; towels changed once once or more daily. On medicated feed but didn't have it for th first week, and not sure what the farm fed them.
since you have chicks of different ages from different places, I'd go ahead and treat with Corid just to be safe.
Get them off straw. Straw is treated with pesticide that can harm chicks. As well as straw carries mites. Use just paper towels or shavings. Straw is never good for bedding for any animal.
It doesn't look like cocci poo to me.

You can wait and keep an eye on the chick that's not acting right. maybe some electrolytes might perk her up. If she's not more active in a day or so, a course of Corid isn't going to hurt anything. Follow it with a vitamin/electrolyte supplement to replace the thiamine.

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