Normal rooster behavior as they get older?


6 Years
Nov 6, 2013
Hi all, this is my first post on here. I started up a flock about 8 months ago consistent of 9 hens and one rooster. All were one month old when I got them.

About 2 weeks ago the rooster (a barred rock) started being mean to my buff orpington. Then a week later I find her almost decapitated from him (his beak still had blood on it), so I put her into a small coop so she could heal. Then the other morning I get up and found he had literally scalped one of my austrolopans to the point that the entire back of her head you can see the skull. I'm keeping it clean and hoping she will pull through. Up until a few weeks ago he has been great watching the hens and very friendly. Is it normal for them to turn evil at this age? I ended up putting him down last night before he tried to kill anymore of my hens.

I had 2 chickens before and a field hawk got one, since I had the rooster though he had been protecting them from other predators. My girls free range all day in my fenced in yard (about 3/4 acre).

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No, not all roosters are like that. I have been fortunate enough to have two great roosters in a row. A Brahma rooster, and this year his son - a Brahma/EE cross. My rooster just moves away when I'm out among chickens, and neither of them has ever harmed a hen the way yours did. I think you did the right thing in putting him down. A rooster that does that to your hens is not worth keeping, when there are so many nice ones out there.
Hi all, this is my first post on here. I started up a flock about 8 months ago consistent of 9 hens and one rooster. All were one month old when I got them.

About 2 weeks ago the rooster (a barred rock) started being mean to my buff orpington. Then a week later I find her almost decapitated from him (his beak still had blood on it), so I put her into a small coop so she could heal. Then the other morning I get up and found he had literally scalped one of my austrolopans to the point that the entire back of her head you can see the skull. I'm keeping it clean and hoping she will pull through. Up until a few weeks ago he has been great watching the hens and very friendly. Is it normal for them to turn evil at this age? I ended up putting him down last night before he tried to kill anymore of my hens.

I had 2 chickens before and a field hawk got one, since I had the rooster though he had been protecting them from other predators. My girls free range all day in my fenced in yard (about 3/4 acre).

I just wanted to let you know I had a roo do the same thing to my ee. He didnt harm the other girls but seemed to pick on her. I rehomed him. Here is a picture of Daisy Mae. She did not like his "advances"

Sorry you had such a bad experience with your rooster. That's not normal behavior at all, and you did the right thing by culling him.
Thanks for the information. The girls all seem happier now too that he's not having relations with them every few hours. So far the scalped hen is doing as well as can be expected, she's able to move around and get to the top of the coop to roost now and is starting to eat meal worms again. Hopefully she will pull through.

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