Well, this wasn't how I was planning to spend my birthday, but I guess I don't really have a choice, do I? On Sunday afternoon my neighbor called me up and asked me if I wanted to go to the store with her. I said yes, and at 2pm we left. We got some groceries and then stopped at McDonald's so I could buy some lunch to bring home to my family. Then we got back on the road. To get from our little town to the next biggest town, you have to take a highway. For those in my local area, we were driving Rt. 41, going home from shopping in Attica. Well, there's this curve where you are suppose to drop your speed from 50 down to 40 for the curve. You're basically blind until you come around that last turn in the road, and it's at this point where you can then increase your speed back up to 50. Well, my neighbor was driving, it was her car, and her teenage son was in the backseat, right behind me. I was sitting in the front passenger seat, enjoying a McFlurry and hanging on to the pops that came with our meals. We approached that curve and my neighbor dutifully reduced her speed, and as we came around the last curve, she realized that there was a blue car in OUR lane, but she realized it a little too late. We swerved to the right, right OFF the road, but he still hit us. Our car spun and he hit us again! We had initially been heading North on 41, but after he hit us, we ended up facing South. We nearly hit the fence of this property but ended up about 3 yards in front of it. The other car remained in the Southbound lane facing South, about a 1/4 mile up the road from where we came to a stop. My neighbor's son screaming from the back seat brought me out of my initial shock. Both of the front seats had slammed backwards and his leg was pinned behind my seat. I managed to unseatbelt myself and pull my seat forward enough for him to unpin his leg. A couple who had been driving behind us stopped to help us, and the gentleman helped me out of the car. We got my neighbor's son out, and then my neighbor crawled across my seat to get out because her door was pinned shut. The state police, the local sheriff's department, the EMT's, they were all there. The other driver even got out of his car and walked all the way down to where we were. He had the audacity to stand at the foot of my neighbor's car and GLARE at us! Never once did he apologize! Then at some point me disappeared, and even the police were mad about that. We were all asked if we needed to go to the hospital, but our adrenaline was up and we all declined. However, I knew something was wrong as soon as I tried to climb up into the tow truck. I couldn't lift my right leg, and it felt really weak. Another neighbor came and picked us up, and when I got home I got into a hot bath because I was completely covered in the pops I had been holding, and I was soaking wet. My neighbor called me and asked how I was feeling, and I didn't feel so good. She said her son's ankle was black and blue and there was a knot on his leg, behind his knee, so we all decided to take the trip to the ER. After 4 1/2 hours and countless x-rays my neighbor was diagnosed with a sprained back, her son was diagnosed with a sprained knee and ankle, and was put in an ankle splint for the next 8 weeks, and I was diagnosed with a sprain in my upper back, but the doctor was very concerned because of the weakness in my right leg. My lower back was tender, so he suspected a bulging disc. Said I need to see an Orthopaedic doctor to find out for sure. We were all send home. Only I got prescriptions though. I still have to fill them though, so I've been trying to take ibuprofen for the pain. It's not working though. I'm just thankful that we all survived! Both cars were completely totaled. We found out that the other driver does have insurance, however his insurance might not cover our medical. Dunno what I should do. Do I sue? Do I let it go? I can't sit or walk for extended periods, it hurts too much. And what if I do have a damaged disc? I'm currently being covered by my neighbor's insurance, and it only covers to $10,000. It bothers both of us that he never even apologized. My neighbor saw him a moment before he hit us, and she said his head was down, like he was reaching for something on the floor. He did not have his eyes on the road. I'm very frustrated over this whole ordeal. Not sure what to do next. My birthday is in 2 days, and I'll probably be laid up in bed at least til then, if not til later. I wish I could go fill my scripts, I need them filled! I just wanted to say, I have NOT dropped off the face of the planet, I've just been laid up, lol. I'm going to go back and lay down now, my back hurts too much and my leg is completely numb again. What a way to celebrate a birthday!