Not funny!!


11 Years
Jul 23, 2008
South Carolina
My black sex-links and BR's are all about 18 1/2 weeks old now. I can't hardly wait for one of them to lay the first egg. The suspense is killing me!
I've been checking the nesting boxes first thing in the morning, as soon as I get home from work in the evening, and sometimes on my lunch break. Still nothing.

Anyway, I get home from work tonight and go straight down to the chicken yard to check the coop. Right there nestled perfectly in one of the nesting boxes was a brown egg!! But wait...the egg was perfectly clean, and out-of-the fridge cold???

My DH and youngest son thought it would be funny to put a store-bought egg in the nest. NOT FUNNY!!!

(Should have known they were up to something when they offered to cook grits and eggs for supper!!!)
LOL..good idea!!..i may do that to my hubby...i'll put like a dozen in the nest box though.
..i can just see his face tomorrow!...
...might as well have some fun since mine arent laying yet either....thanks, Wendy
I know what you feel.
I'm waiting for my 1st egg and I told the chickens that their time is almost up.
They better lay an egg soon.
My kids are teasing me with some plastic easter eggs in the nestbox. Mommy you have an egg.

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