NOT Jersey giant. NOT australorp.... ??

Molly Sunshine

In the Brooder
5 Years
Feb 19, 2014
Southern illinois
Ok so I purchased three Jersey giant chicks back in march, two are consistent with black Jersey giants. Black light brown eggs and yellow (bottoms) feet. The other is black with black legs and BLACK feet (bottoms) anyone have any idea what she is? I will try to past pictures within a few days. She has laid several double yolk eggs, so we would really like to know what she is.
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Ok so I purchased three Jersey giant chicks back in march, two are consistent with black Jersey giants. Black light brown eggs and yellow (bottoms) feet. The other is black with black legs and BLACK feet (bottoms) anyone have any idea what she is? I will try to past pictures within a few days. She has laid several double yolk eggs, so we would really like to know what she is.

Hopefully you are able to get those photos posted soon as without seeing the bird it is really a crap shoot trying to guess at what she might be - what type of comb does the bird have, what is her build, etc?
Single comb the only significant difference that i have noticed between either my australorps or my Jersey giants and the mystery girl is the foot color, I'll take a closer look in the morning and see if I see any other differences.
Hopefully you are able to get those photos posted soon as without seeing the bird it is really a crap shoot trying to guess at what she might be - what type of comb does the bird have, what is her build, etc?

X2 on that. Trying to ID a bird without a pic is like shooting in the dark.

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