Not quite sure of the breeds and gender?

Chase Family

In the Brooder
6 Years
Jun 19, 2013
Pretty sure the girl in the front is a SS but not sure of the girl with her?

Not sure about this girl either?

Pretty sure the following are all pullets but not sure?

Pretty sure the girl in the front is a SS but not sure of the girl with her?
Bird in front: Easter Egger or other mix. Bird in back: Light-Brown Leghorn. Both pullets.

Not sure about this girl either?
Can't really tell from the photo; a comb/head shot would help. Could be a White Wyandotte.

Pretty sure the following are all pullets but not sure?
Buff Orpington. Most likely a pullet.

Light-Brown Leghorn pullet.

Rhode Island Red pullet.
Pretty sure the girl in the front is a SS but not sure of the girl with her?
The one in front is an Easter Egger, and the one in back is a Light-Brown Leghorn.

Not sure about this girl either?
I can't tell for sure, but looks like a White Wyandotte.

Pretty sure the following are all pullets but not sure?
How old? Looks like a Buff Orpington pullet.

Light-Brown Leghorn pullet.

Rhode Island Red pullet.
You have a very nice flock!
Thanks!! That is about half of them. The kids picked them out, because they were cute, So we were not sure what they were. Thanks for the help. They are all 17 weeks old.
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Everyone is female, and it looks like you'll have a colorful egg basket!
The Easter egger looks like she'll lay green or blue eggs. The Leghorn will lay white eggs. Not sure what breed that white hen is, can't see the comb and leg color, but probably brown, just like the buff orp and the red hen.

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