NOT ready!

Rare Feathers Farm

11 Years
Apr 1, 2008
Pleasant Valley, (Okanogan) WA
My Coop
My Coop
So this morning, when I woke up it was a nippy 37 degrees outside! It had “warmed up” to 43 by the time I left for work. About 10am, it started POURING rain. It’s rained on/off all day, today.

However, I just heard they have lowered the SNOW level to 2500’ for tonight with a freezing temperature advisory! ACKK! My poor tomatoes, cantaloupes & eggplants! Not to mention roses! Sighs. I’m just not ready for winter’s freezing temps, yet! According to the Farmer’s Almanac, it’s supposed to be a “catastrophic winter.” Whatever that means?

Looks like my Sultan & Light Brahma chicks will be leaving in the spare bedroom for quite some time—after they hatch, that is…and they’re not due until the first week of October…

I did the same thing yesterday!!! It dipped to 30F, and I haven't finished the coop yet!!!

Can you keep them in the garage? That's what I did last winter...
I'm right there with you! We had snow on Labor day and I think I almost cried. Have tucked my garden in but i am still envious that you even got eggplant and lopes to grow in yours. Lucky girl.
Yup, this was my first year with eggplants—I got six to ripen & about 10 more flowers. I tried to protect them last night, but I’m not sure if they made it. I got 5 ripe cantaloupes & my second cantaloupe plant was accidentally uprooted during weeding and I didn’t notice until the entire thing was dead. This was my first successful year with tomatoes. I have about 40 ripe ones that I’ll be making salsa with this weekend! Oh and as always, my squash & cucumbers did very well…my peppers didn’t, though…?
I cant say I am ready for snow either...I want to have some autumn first!
My chicks will probably have to be in a spare area of the house as well. Got the coop part figured out but havent winterized yet. Oh well, I dont mind, just have to go with whats going to work best right now.
Well, I still have some in the 'bator.
I'd like to think I'll get 100% hatch from the remaining eggs, which would make it around 10 chicks! I have an almost month old Salmon Fav (bantam) cockerel & four standard salmon favs that are almost a week old in their now...soon to be joined by some Light Brahmas & bantam sultans!

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