Not safe for human consumption


9 Years
Sep 11, 2010
So we are just finished our fishzole treatments for blackhead and that nasty protozoa. Next I understand we need to treat for the actual cecal worms. I purchased fenbendazole, however after reading the back of the fenbendazole (safeguard) package it says not for horses meant for food consumption. I called the number on the package to inquire about giving it to turkeys meant for human consumption and got a message back saying that it is not recommended for turkeys but is available and safe if given in feed form.

What are your thoughts/experiences with fenbendazole and birds meant for human consumption?
I use safeguard in conjunction with other "off label" wormers. The meat and eggs are safe to eat after 14 days. Redose again in 10-14 days to kill worms hatched from larva since the initial treatment...another 14 days withdrawal. Do no use fenbendazole when in molt. Fenbendazole causes the feathers to grow back mishapen and stunted.

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