Not sure where to put this but it's an emergency to me..


12 Years
Dec 19, 2007
Brighton, CO

I just walked outside to check on the crew and the 8 10 week old Black Maran x NN Turken chicks are fighting each other. Not the typical chest puff/bump. This is all out neck puffed, chest puffed, screaming, jump on and make the other guy bleed fighting. I look like an idiot running around the yard yelling at them to stop. My two that are NN look the worse. I know for sure out of the 8 that 2 are girls but the rest have combs and wattles but so does their mom so I was hoping that a few might still be girls. I don't know what to do except seperate them and I'm not set up to do that. I've never had males ( now assuming they are) fight like this at this young of an age. I rarely had the older ones go at it like this. Does this mean they are males vying for the dominant spot already?
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My "straight run" 5/5 roos went thru that at about the same age. The didn't get to the point that they made each other bleed, but it was pretty aggresive. It only lasted for a couple of days and at 5+ months they seldom do more then ruffle their neck feathers at each other.

You might try breaking it up with a squirt gun or hose if it gets too out of control. I think it's less bloody when they sort it out at a younger age though so I wouldn't seperate them completly unless you can keep them that way. It would be bloody you-know-what when you tried to reintroduce them.
Gotta love the boys!
Thanks guys, I've never had young roos do this and it's a makin me mad. The 2 NN look a little worse for wear than the others.

Is it possible at this age for them to fatally hurt the other outright?
You're welcome!

I never had it get to that point, but if one or more get bloody during their altercations you're going to want to keep a close eye on it.

The others will start pecking at the injury and that could get very bad, very fast. It seems like people have had good luck with spraying blue kote on the wounds. I think it keeps it clean and the blue color doesn't attract the other chickens the way a bloody spot does. I haven't needed it myself, so this is second hand, but you may want to look into.

If it gets really bad you may need to seperate. I just hate to do it when it's not illness/major injury because it's such a PAIN to reintroduce them. Keep us updated, hope it works itself out soon.
Well now I know it's too many boys after today's shenanigans. But like I said at 10 weeks and the fact they've all grown up together because they're bro's and sisters I never thought they would act like this. So, does anyone want a roo?

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