I just walked outside to check on the crew and the 8 10 week old Black Maran x NN Turken chicks are fighting each other. Not the typical chest puff/bump. This is all out neck puffed, chest puffed, screaming, jump on and make the other guy bleed fighting. I look like an idiot running around the yard yelling at them to stop. My two that are NN look the worse. I know for sure out of the 8 that 2 are girls but the rest have combs and wattles but so does their mom so I was hoping that a few might still be girls. I don't know what to do except seperate them and I'm not set up to do that. I've never had males ( now assuming they are) fight like this at this young of an age. I rarely had the older ones go at it like this. Does this mean they are males vying for the dominant spot already?
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