Now I’m concerned my pullets are cockerels.


May 26, 2019
Ok so I am new to posting. Note to self, write the post then add pictures.

I have been watching and checking different growing markers for these chicks that are 3 weeks old and had posted the face pictures on Facebook only to be told I have everything wrong. My chicks are banded for identifying each one. Red, yellow, pink, green and orange.
Wing check at 1 day old and 3 days old had them as: pullets- red, yellow and green. Cockerels- pink and orange.

Tail feathers grew in at 1 week for red and green. Then at 2 weeks the others started getting tail feathers. The smallest tail feathers are on orange and pink.

Wings reached tail by 1 week for red, yellow, and green. Wings on pink and orange are still short at 3 weeks.

I took the face pictures today just to get a baseline for later and was told that by these pictures they are all cockerels! The father of all these is a barred rock and the mother of red and yellow is also a barred rock. The other three have Easter Eggers for the mom and the same barred rock dad.

Anyone willing to suggest the sex of my chickens?
I don’t have a lot of experience, and I not sure how it is with mixes, based on what I see, I guess:

Red- cockerel
Because the lack of leg wash, I can see a peek of pink wattles, and the lighter down color.

Yellow- cockerel
Because the lack of leg wash, I can see a little bit of pink wattles, and the white bars on the feathers are thicker.

I’d say the rest are pullets. You can’t really judge by their combs at that age, my pullet has a comb as big, if not bigger than all of those, and I’m pretty positive she’s a girl.
Hmm, by looking at the pics, green orang pullets.. yellow cockerel,

Going by feather growth in your description pullets seem to grow their feathers faster. So all but pink and orange may be pullets.. in another 3 weeks it will be easier to tell which is which, it is kinda early.
Fast feathering only works for sexing if the chicks are specifically bred for that trait; otherwise it's random.
Yellow is a cockerel, obvious because of his lighter coloring especially. He's also got a bigger comb.
Red, I'm not sure.

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