Now: Milking Nigerians that had started to dry up. Goat pics on pg. 2


11 Years
Jan 19, 2009
Mountains of Virginia
I am shopping for a Nigerian Dwarf or 3, primarily for milk. I have found a breeder with 3 does that have given birth recently, but haven't been milked because they are "trying to dry them up due to many buyers preferring a doe that is not in milk."

One just gave birth a few days ago. So I am wandering if the process of drying off is irreversibly started now, or if I could simply start milking the doe now?
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Seems like if she has just given birth a few days ago you would still be able to milk her easily. The milk generally doesn't come in until the 2nd or 3rd day anyway - at first it's all colostrum. If it has been more than a week then I would question but if it's only been a few days you should be able to milk her and if you milk her 3X a day for a week or so (remember, babies nurse constantly off and on all day) it will really bring her milk in then just drop back to once or twice a day.
Iagree it does take some times for the milk to come in and if you do get her milk her like BDR said at least 3 times a day and she needs a little feed each time you do it. It will bring her back into production. Had it happen with a doe that lost her babies and then took another a week later as I sold the other goat and was going to bottle this baby but DD decided she wanted to and is doing Great with her ...has had her for almost a month and hasnt missed any feedings and is the mother to this baby now. Yep thats what I would do...milk milk milk...Good luck
If you have a person with some knowledge of goats I would have them look at the does for you. It seems like they should still be bagged up.
Yes, if it is a case of them just not being milked you can do as the other posters stated and get the milk production going again.
But, they should still have bags. Also check the teat size to be sure they aren't too small for you to milk.
OK I called again, and there are 2 does that kidded 4-5 weeks ago, and 1 that just kidded on 3/3. Would the ones that kidded 1 month ago still be a possibility if they still have bags? I am thinking I will milk them there with supervision so I can make sure I can do it and that the does tolerate it/me well.

This seems to be an established dairy and I get a good feeling from them...
Do you know if they were at least milked for the colestrum? And are they first time fresheners?
I'm not certain about the ones that gave birth over a month ago, I will let someone else more experienced answer that. The one that gave birth recently should be able to be milked. Especially if they had some milking done.
I have a doe here that is older and I tried to dry her off most of the summer. She still had a little bag after months of not being milked. Then, I needed milk for some pups and started milking her again and while it was less than newly freshened, it still picked up her production. She was not a first time freshener so that might make a difference.
Yes, they were milked for the colostrum. This is the 3rd set of kids for this doe with recent kids.

One of the does is her mother, and the other has kidded twice. Thank you for telling me about your experience--I think I will judge by bag size and take my chances.

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