Nugget! Any guesses on the sex?


7 Years
Oct 11, 2012
Bluff, New Zealand
This is nugget, she(?) is my inside chick i also have 8 outside that i will post pick of if any one else want to have a go!
I think she might be a pullet.... but i really have no experience with sexing chicks.
Any guesses gladly received!

ps. she is 12 days old and a naughty little escape artist....

unimpressed chick, I interrupted her escape from the brooder.....
aint nuttin worng with her name, its cute

I got a silkie roo who was gave to me with the name stirfry (its still his name) What I find funny about it, is they had named him as a chick when they thought he was a she.
Haha oh no, Now I have to admit I used to have a roo named Benedict...... and i did name him....
ive got a chicken called scramble....
Also love the name nugget.

I have a chicken named McChicken, and one named McDouble. Also had one named McDonalds. We're going to have an entire flock with McDonalds' dishes :gig

Not a fan of McDonalds, but we thought it was clever. :p
Gawd! haha i never knew people who were as twisted as me....Im getting a piglet named sausage, maybe i should change it to sausage mcmuffin.... awesome chicken names guys!
Also love the name nugget.
I have a chicken named McChicken, and one named McDouble. Also had one named McDonalds. We're going to have an entire flock with McDonalds' dishes

Not a fan of McDonalds, but we thought it was clever.

I once found a LIVE CHICKEN at mcdonalds. In the middle of the city. it was in the parking lot running around, a chick no more than 3 weeks old. There wasn't even houses anywhere near the place, so I have no idea how it got there unless somebody dumped him. Of course I caught it and took it home
He ended up being a little black and white speckled mixed rooster. We named him Mac
I once found a LIVE CHICKEN at mcdonalds. In the middle of the city. it was in the parking lot running around, a chick no more than 3 weeks old. There wasn't even houses anywhere near the place, so I have no idea how it got there unless somebody dumped him. Of course I caught it and took it home ;) He ended up being a little black and white speckled mixed rooster. We named him Mac :lol:
Awesome story!! :D
Our first girl named McDonalds
McDouble :love
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