Nugget's Chicks@ Two Days Old (PICS-NEW in Post #23)


Intentional Solitude
Premium Feather Member
17 Years
Feb 3, 2007
Blue Ridge Mtns. of North Georgia
Four Barred EE's and one Blue Orpington. She has also moved back onto her actual nest--she had rolled all the eggs off the nest just before they started pipping.


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I told my DH that I love broodies so much that I want to let my laying flock over time go down in size just so I have room for more broodies to do their thing. Dusty is still broody and I'm considering letting her have these eggs that are in the bator.
I do NOT need to see pics of baby chicks! Nope! Nope! I most certainly do NOT!

But oh my goodness those are beautiful chicks! Mama's beautiful too.
Oh, SpeckledHen, they are SO adorable! I just let two broodies hatch out some chicks as well. They were my first broodies and I just love the whole thing too. It's so darn precious. I LOVE that the mamas are raising the babies - and my husband loves that we don't have the brooder in the house again

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