OC treatment for ASPERGILLOSIS for geese?!?!?!?


May 26, 2019
About 2 months ago, my gander showed signs of struggling with breathing! At the time, I was advised that it was likely worms, like gapeworm or pneumonia! I brought him indoors & I treated him with wormer & broad spectrum antibiotics! (This was all happening in TX during a horrible heatwave). After days he showed improvement, and after about 2 weeks I let him return to his flock! With what appeared to be the "im just out of breath faster because I was recently sick" but he had drastically improved! Now, slowly, the breathing is worsening again! The weather has greatly improved but he still pants, and it's getting worse again! I'm terrified that it is aspergillosis!!!! All signs I can think of point to it! With the inflation, I'm barely keeping the lights on for our family! My gander, PRETTY BIRD, is my baby! In a way, he's like a third child! I hatched him and hand raised him. He was a indoor pet goose for 2.5 years (circumstances ) and finally has his own flock as of last year august! He is a Canada x swan goose hybrid and a unique, amazing goose! WHAT CAN I DO? ARE THERE ANTIBIOTICS I CAN PURCHASE OVER THE COUNTER TO HELP HIM? HAVE YOU HAD EXPERIENCE WITH THIS? NATURAL REMEDIES?!? ANYTHING THAT HELPED YOU SAVE YOUR GOOSE?! Im pretty sure this is what he has, as none of his flock mates have shown ANY of the symptoms! We had insane temperatures and the "coop" did get very hot and humid at times, even with open windows and a fan! At night, we remained in the high 90s most nights. I'm trying my best to come up with the money, but it will likely take a while & I just can't imagine losing him! There are multiple videos of him on my YouTube channel, I clouding when he was sick/ at his worst (@ PRETTY BIRD THE PET GOOSE ) I will try to add videos to this thread as well. I don't use bedding, but rather tarp, and clean it every day. pools are cleaned daily as well. 2x a day while the temp were extremely high. I only have bedding in the chicken nests. I suspect that this is caused due to the shallow pool I have in the "coop", for the geese, which probably caused insane humidity inside during the high temps. I have removed it and am beating myself up over this. He does appear to do better in cool temperatures, but still pants lightly. Please help.....
A sum of PRETTY BIRD, from when he first got sick/showed signs that I recognized as bad/more then sweating and how he had been doing since. It appears to "flare" during hotter temperatures and become less during colder temps. ⬆️
This is a good page about treating aspergillosis.


Keep in mind though that there aren’t many studies about how the drugs used actually affect birds, let alone individual species, and none in particular about geese that I know of.

Also I strongly recomend not trying to treat asper ever without an actual confirmed diagnosis and without a vets supervision, the current drugs used to treat it are too risky to use based on an assumption, and take it from me, I’ve had a lot of instances where I was convinced one of my geese had it, but it turned out to be something else.
The one case that was confirmed, he was treated for it about three times before he was finally cured, but his liver had scarring and his heart failed as a result of the side effects of the drugs.

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