October laying...


In the Brooder
5 Years
Aug 10, 2014
Hi BYC! My chicken scarlet hasn't laid in three days....Here in Oregon the weather has been getting cold and the days longer, but my other chickens are laying just fine. Recently, Scarlet has moved down the pecking order (she is now at the bottom). Could this make her stop laying? She is really nice and her behavior hasn't changed at all. Thanks for helping!

In Ohio, all my girls have stopped laying--for the most part. It's molting season here & hens need 12hrs of sunlight to make the egg. So, we have over 50 hens and today we got 4 eggs. It probably is the weather, but it could also be the pecking order.
Stress can cause birds to stop laying.. I wonder why she is at the bottom =/

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