Odd Night Visiting Bird in the Coop


5 Years
Sep 24, 2014
Central PA
For several mornings now, I have been finiding bird droppings, and today a feather, in the prep area of our coop. The prep area is seperated from the main coop area by a wall with fencing inserts and there is no way for our chickens to get into this area....or the visiting bird to get into the coop with the flock.
Has anyone ever have a bird that comes in at night to seek shelter in the coop?
At a loss as to what bird it may be and how to block it out as every hole we could find has been plugged up or screened off.
Birds cannot access my coop, but there is a bird that roosts under the roof on my front porch. Same or others have built nests there.
UGH! I had a wren that came in through the top of my fenced in and fenced top of the run, then into a shed roof area , through the coop, through a small opening in the wire to the eve of the feed room. That is three or four manuvers. How they learned it I don't know but I fixed it.
Birds are really smarter than given credit for. Thats four oppening the bird found to get to where it was. It built a nest before i found it in the eve.. The chicks flegged and then I fixed the problem. No more birds. I still don't know how they learned the maneuver.
I have a burlap sack hanging from a rusty nail in the hall of my barn. Every Fall and Winter I use this sack to hold the bailing twine that I cut off of my hay bales before I feed them to my horses. This burlap sack is not only a favorite nesting place but every fall and winter for years now a pair of house wrens has use this burlap sack for their love shack. I kind of sort of enjoy watching them hit the "sack" at dark every evening.
Birds can wriggle in through TINY openings, it amazes me to watch them. Go out there at night and see what you can find, or perhaps watch near sunset to see what flies in. As long as the bird is separate from the chicken's living area, they should be safe from avian diseases, which is good.

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