Hi, this year is my first as a chicken owner. I have 6 RIR hens and Langshans, 1 cockerel and 3 hens. I also have some American Game Fowl that the homeowner left on the property we rent. Pictured is the rooster. I call him Bruno. He is quite wild and I can't get very close to him, but he hangs around with my coop chickens when they are free ranging, now that the girls are of age, because my young roo isn't yet mature enough to be the boss. I just noticed his comb is looking a bit purple/black on one end.
Since he spends quite a bit of time with my flock, I want to be sure he doesn't have anything that he can pass on to them. I make sure the Game Fowl have access to water and food, outside my coop. I live in Southwest Texas, so the Game Fowl roost in the mesquite trees at night.
Bruno has recently moulted his tail feathers, they are growing back well, I think.
I've done some research on comb problems but I couldn't find anything that would help me with this.
Any ideas? Any possible treatment? Not that I could catch him unless I buy a trap and he's a pretty smart boy!