Odd wing growth on young muscovies...??????


9 Years
Aug 15, 2010
Columbus Ohio
I am mainly posting for a friend here - and i do love his ducks. He has some younger muscovies - they are fully feathered and probably about 4 months old or so. Some of them are fine - but some of them have some odd wings. ITs almost as if the wing is growing backwards or upside down. They were fine all along but now that they are getting older this has happened. When you look at them the wings are not against the body - they sort of flip out to the side and you can see the underside of their wings. Not all of the young ones have this but some do ----does this ring a bell with anyone - or anyone have experience on this????
They wont be able to fly and it is cosmetic and can be corrected if young enough. Just had to wrap a duck for angel wing about a month ago and a week later pretty much all better. It was Halion's duck (another BYC member)
what time frame are you looking at where the wrapping will make a difference?
There are several very easy to understand demo's on the wrapping - jsut wondering if it is too late for them

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