Hi! I recently bought 4 pullets at a local poultry (and other farm animal) auction. I've raised a steady flock for the past 2 years and have everything from white leghorns to Wyandotes to silkies. However, I am still unable to identify the type of breed these chickens are. This is not the most concerning part though. One of the pullets is abnormally smaller than the others. The others are still small (probably six weeks old), but this little girl seems to really fall behind. She likes to lay on her side, and does not use her legs unless prompted. Her legs are also very thin and pale, but she does grip onto my finger when I hold her. She eats and drinks, but not as much as the others. The skin under her wings is also very thin, and her body is boney throughout. I have put extra water and food in their designated living area, but she tends to eat and drink till she's seemingly full, then stops. She also does not move when I am close and loves to be held, but rarely runs around (my chickens free range) like the others. There was also one instance I remember where she was on top of small mound of straw and instead of jumping down, she slid down the side till she hit solid ground. I honestly do not know what the situation is with this Pullet. She is so sweet and is a great addition to my flock, I'm just very concerned because it's been three weeks and I haven't seen much progress or change. Below are some pictures of her. Anything helps! Thank you