Off the Roost


Mar 24, 2016
I had my 8 week old Leghorns pullets sleeping nicely on the Roost. The only change that has happened is the removal of light at night. It's in the upper 50s at night now. They are now all trying to sleep in one of the nesting boxes. Are they cold or just scared of the dark?The obvious answer is put the light back but is that the right answer? Would a red light be ok and should I be worried about their days and nights getting messed up?
They may not be coming in soon enough to be able to see the roost. You might want to try leaving the light on a little after dusk so they can find their way to the roost.
Just go out at roost time and move them from the box to the roost - they'll get back in the right habit after a couple of nights of that. Alternatively, if they are the only birds out there (meaning no others of laying age) just block off the nests for the time being as they don't need access for several more weeks.
I think I shall give both a try. Well see what they are doing tonight. Last night I did just scoot them out and hoped they would hop on the roost.
I think it was the lack of light. They must not have felt like they could see the roost poles.I put in a 25 watt red bulb. Very low light. And they were all on the roost.

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