oh boy. . I think I will let the hen do it next time.


In the Brooder
11 Years
Feb 23, 2008
Thomasville Ga
This is a bit harder than I thought it would be. I was trying to take part of my egg turner apart so i would have room on the bottom for the first eggs to hatch, and the eggs rolled out of it. they didnt fall hard but they rolled around on the screen bottom. the temperature dropped to like 80 while i was messing with them and then I shot the humidity way up before i realized it was going up so fast. My poor babies will be tough if they survive the heck i have put them through. lol. I hope hope hope i didnt kill them. especially since I have never hatched any before and i have waited all these days to see what happens. (BTW today is day 19 for the first eggs i put in). I was so discouraged today that i started to throw them all out and give up, but I figured that everyone that has helped me here would be disappointed if I did that. I guess we will see in a few days if I killed them. I seriously think that I will let the mama hen do the chick hatching next time!
Don't give up!
If you seriously want to "Let Mama Do It" next time, here's a good link about just that:

Thanks for the support guys! my babies are supposed to hatch tomorrow. . . . but I have to work.
my mom will be home with them tho. I am just praying that at LEAST one hatches. Its so funny how everybody at my house (except mama) acted like they didnt care about my eggs when I first started the incubator up. As the days passed by, they would ask how the hatching was going (making the question sound like they asked it to be nice to me). Now that tomorrow is the big day they cant hide the suspense anymore. Everyone is like DANG ! WE HOPE THEY MAKE IT OUT! absolutely amazing how fast the fever spreads!

and say a prayer for my lil eggies! Hopefully tomorrow ill be a mama!

MY EGG WAS PEEPING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
my mom has been watching them all day. non have broken the shell yet but i heard lil peeps comming from inside the bator today!! im working night shift tonite so maybe when i get home ill have a chick!
come on babies and hatch!

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