Oh, CRAPola! *Hot-Flashes*

I started getting hot flashes when I was 35. They got so bad I would just about pass out. I would get very hot, then light headed and sick to my stomach. I had to find a fan or a cool place fast. I can't hardly stand it outside in the hot summer months. I am on hormone replacement therapy and don't have them as often but when they do hit its bad.

Night sweats are just as bad. I insisted on sleeping with a window open alittle even in the middle of winter. I would run the bedroom airconditioner until DG would take it out. Then I would cover up the vents to keep the heat out and he would uncover them. It used to be a real challenge to keep from sweating. I remember getting so hot and sweaty, tossing off all the covers even though it was in the 40's in the bedroom. When the hot flash was over, I was all wet with sweat and freezing because i had no covers on and it was 40 degrees in the room. About the time I got to sleep, one would hit again.

It is a nightmare to go through. I don't have the night sweats anymore and I actually get cold now but I still get the occasional hot flash and they are rough.
All I can say is welcome to my world! LOL The best way to describe them is like you start burning from the indside out. The nigt sweats are the worst. I do get lucky and they seem to ease up in the warmer months. I can go outside in 0 degree temps and be still sweating like theres no tomorrow. LOL Hubby has not the first clue. He hates it cold so I keep a fan at the ready all year round.
I've got a picture that discribes hot flashes very well but is not kid approved.

Try some red clover from the health food store. You may have to take it for a month or 2 before it really kicks in to lessen them. I was on the patch which worked great but I had breast cancer (not related to hormone replacement) and just didn't want to risk it. I'm on Effexor, antidepressent which does help with flashes. Mine was a force menopause because of surgery. I think that makes it worse than you going through it naturally.

I still get them on occassion. I yell at my husband everytime he puts covers over me. Tell him if I wanted them I would have taken yours! Only thing that isn't hot is my feet! I have to wear socks or "footies". I can be sweating and buck neked but my feet are cold.

Go figure.
I have been going though this for 3 1/2 yrs now it's not getting any easier. I feel for you all. All my female relatives in the immediate family had the female surgery at an early age and never had to go though the whole change process. So I have been learning this on my own and documenting it for my two daughters so they know that what to expect and know that they are not crazy for the way they feel. I began when I was 42 and keep hearing from drs and other women that I am too young to be going though this. Two months ago went to the family dr again with other issues and he asked some female questions and told me that I couldn't be going though this because I am too young. I just told my dh if I hear that again that I would scream. Got in the car after the appt and screamed as loud as I could!!!!!!!!!!!!
I'm in menopause, too, and the hot flashes are the WORST!!!
Having had breast cancer, I have to rely on herbal things, and I have found that "Transitions", which is a whole bunch of herbs, helps a lot. I only have one or two during the day and one or two during the night now, instead of every couple of hours. I know in my area both Greenlife and Earth Fare carry it. I don't know if you can get it on line.
I know some other people who swear by Black Cohosh. I tried that, it worked somewhat. Transitions contains that as well.
I say get a female doctor! I realize that there are some possible side affects but as I explained to my female doctor the lack of sleep just was not gettin' it, waking up every 45 minutes for 20 minutes. She agreed and finally gave me 1/2mg of hormone replacement and much better now. Mine was surgery induced at the age of 45 and she said I will probably be on replacements for a while.
I started the whole change process when I was 35, had a complete hysterectomy when I was 38. I refused to take the pills for several years and dealt with the hot flashes and sweats until I started getting, well, for a better word, "Cranky". I've been taking them for about 4 years now. It is a big relief, but still get them. I keep a small fan on my desk where I spend most of my time anyway.
Please be careful if using the Black Cohosh. Even though it has been used for years upon years and been successful with helping many women there is one side effect that women who have risks for cancer should be aware. Reasearch has shown that though it doesn't cause cancer, but it can cause pre-cancerous cells to mutate into cancer cells. Especially uterine cancers.
Yes, I recall reading something about that with Black Cohosh, but I never could substantiate that info. I know the labels on both the brands I tried said to take it for a certain period of time and then take a break.

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