OH happy day! SIX BR turkey poults! cute as bugs


11 Years
Jan 22, 2009
finally! got some pix to upload.. apologies for the delay... we got our bees today! it was a buzz

but nothing like finding six!! SIX!! BR poults!!! after all the brouhaha and disappointment i was thrilled to find these little golf ball sized puffs of fluff. everyone is very happy! we are so glad that Mr Pipps no longer stands alone....

here is from yesterday sneakin' a peak.....

and here they are all popping around. sadly tho - she got up from her nest leaving about 5 eggs behind. i was gone all morning or i would have tried to get them in the incubator but by the time i got home they were cold cold cold. oh well.

they are the BUSINESS.. honestly they have a little something special. gotta love them turks!
congrats on the babes! Just a note that maybe the rest of the eggs were not gonna hatch and momma knew it...
In this weather they would have stayed somewhat warm to the touch if live babies were in them..... They only go cold quickly if nothing's alive in them.
I can usually tell when picking up eggs in the incubator also..The dead or infertile ones will have some cool spots where as the live ones are really consistently warm all around.....
thanks Steve! i'm very very proud!

and yay for your 'bator sucess... i think i'm sticking with "momma knows best".. but we are still laughing at our $80 Mr Pipps. hee hee hee and on that note - we had about 25 chick eggs in there and my sisters visiting extra-bad-cats unplugged it and killed them all (grrr...) so we are NOT 'bator people i guess

i went out today and the momma stood up when i approached and all the babies tumbled out like they were falling out of her pockets. she and the little ones are staying in the coop (8x8) until they can be outside.

everyone DOES love a turkey - maybe 6 or more! wheee!
They are very very cute! Congrats!!

I know what you mean about them "falling out" of mama. Sometimes my hen will stand up, and I see one poult missing and I'm thinking, oh no, where is it? They I see some dangly legs hanging out from her belly feathers and next thing you now, PLOP, the little warmster falls to the ground, "hello!"


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