
10 Years
Feb 2, 2009
My seramas that i got about a week and a half ago started laying today!!!! Im sooo excited!!!! Only the one hen is laying at the moment but im so eggsited! The hens i bought almost two months ago still aren't laying and they are supposed to be older then my seramas.

What should i do with the egg? Should i let her continue to lay and then let her hatch them?

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It doesn't work that way. A hen doesn't just go broody after she's laid a certain amount of eggs. Some hens never go broody.
I would collect them and refrigerate until you have enough for breakfast, then enjoy!
i thought chickens laid eggs in the morning, but as far as i know she laid hers between 2-4pm. Is that normal?
Yep, they cycle. It generally takes a hen 25 hours to "create" an egg. Once it gets too late in the evening for laying, the hen might hold off and lay the next morning or take a day off and start again the following morning.
Mine will lay in the morning and gradually work toward mid- to late-afternoon, then take a day off. It's really normal for them to lay at all times of day.

Wehn my BSL first started laying, I think she startled herself by laying from the roost in the middle of the night. Thank goodness the shavings were thick enough to cushion the fall!

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