Oh! My poor babies... :( (UPDATE:They're both gone :( )


the bird is the word
11 Years
Sep 14, 2008
Adair Co., KY
Last night, I gave my hen the other chicks of hers that had hatched in the incubator. This morning i go out to find all of them, except one, just laying on the ground. Two of them have bloody heads, one even has a big part of it's skull showing. The other 2 look normal, except they aren't getting up. Only one is fine, because it escaped into the next pen with a cochin hen that is too dumb to realize it wasn't hers. These poor little babies! What should I do? They are still alive and somewhat moving, but they aren't getting up. I moved them back inside, under a heat light. I don't know what to do!!
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I would give them some time to get over it. Try to dribble some water on their beaks every so often to make sure they stay hydrated. Hopefully they'll come around.
Ah, poor babies! I agree, maybe they need some time to get over the shock. Keep them warm and keep trying to get food and water down them. Good Luck!
One of them doesn't seem to be able to open it's eyes? Can I do anything to help it? <edit> Both it's eyes are covered with blood.
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Shelley, I am so sorry this has happened to your peeps.

If the blood covering the chicks eyes is from the head wounds, try taking a warm wet cloth and cleaning them up. Try keeping them under a brooder light as much as possible. They sound as if they are in shock. If you have any electrolights(fm Farm Store) you might go ahead and mix some up for them for a day or two. Watch to be sure that the chicks that don't have any wounds don't pick on the ones that do. You may have to separate them to be safe till the ones with the sore spots heal up. Some here have used neosporin on wounds but on new hatched peeps ... I'm not so sure. Watch them carefully and hopefully someone else will post with more advise.
Thanks, keeper, the poor little one just keeps peeping, although very weakly. I will go try that right now.

<edit> I don't have any electrolytes, maybe a fellow BYC member that is coming to visit does, or can get some for me, my car is broke down.

<edit again> I already had the one that survived the attack seperated, and the other two must have just been cold more than anything, they seem fine now, and they are with the other one. Just the one with the exposed skull, and the one that can't open it's eyes are together. Poor babies, these are my blue splash dutch chicks!!
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