Oh No! Chicks in danger+me=nervous wreck!


8 Years
Feb 3, 2011
Petersburgh, New York
Okay, everything was going great. It is the day before they are due, two of them already hatched, it was great! Then all of a sudden, the temp went down to 92 and the humidity boosted up 10-15%! we managed to get the humidity down and the temp up. However, my mom is working 11 to 11 tonight and I have to watch the chicks! I am afraid it will happen again and I will not beable to fix it! Any suggestions? I would be EXTREMELY grateful as you guys are very helpful!
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My temps stay stable all night and every night my temps always goes down but then my house is cold at night. Whenever I have to get up in the middle of the night I check the temp and adjust it if necessary. Maybe you could set a clock to get you up every so often and adjust the temp if you have to.
How long was the temp down?

about maybe 5 min. not long, but i still worry bout my babies.

5 mins is not an issue, I have worked with commercial hatcheries some, and when the trays are pulled and candled they are out of the incubator for much longer than 5 mins before being switched to the setter. It sounds like the temperature was a little high to begin with if some hatched a day early ?

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