Oh no!! Out of geese!


12 Years
Nov 4, 2009
So we made an order from Cackle and they shipped it without the geese. (lovely, healthy chicks, BTW, and they sent lots of extras) When I called to ask when we could re-order with a chance of getting geese they were very apologetic and told me that with it getting so hot, so early, the geese barely laid at all this year and it is now so late in the year there is no real chance of getting them.

DD really, really, really wanted a pair of geese. She's been looking forward to getting them for months. We had ordered a sexed pair of Africans. We don't need (sigh, and can't afford) show quality or anything like that, and didn't want to have to get a half dozen to weed through for a pair. I don't think there's anywhere else I can get just a pair in our price range. She wanted babies so they would bond with her.

: It looks like geese will have to wait till next year.
Metzer farms has White Chinese, Brown Chinese, and I think embeden right now. If you wait till March/April they have all breeds available. They also have assorted goselings.
My ducks from Metzer were very healthy. Had them for over a year now. Not show quality, but happy and healthy critters.
Ideal has africans.
The minimum order is 25$ish, but buy insurance if you don't want extra chicks, or add a couple more geese! I opened my box with 2 goslings and 5 ducklings to see they also put in 6 chicks. Luckily, they took them at the feed store. Good luck!
I think that Ideal is the only one who's shipping and minimum order wouldn't price them out of the ball park. I have 53 chicks in the brooder as we speak, the geese were supposed to come with them (we had a separate brooder area and different starter for them) but you can understand why I'm hesitant to have to order a bunch more birds just to get the geese.
Though we were planning on getting some broilers, just not so soon.

Grr, I've been looking at hatcheries all day. Ideal says on their website that their Africans and brown Chinese are basically the same, but DD distinctly did not want the skinnier, longer necked birds. Metzer's Africans look very pretty. I think I'll just have to go on the Breeders&Hatcheries sub forum and see if anyone wants to split an order.

Thanks for all the suggestions, and letting me vent.

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