Oh no!...Rooster!


7 Years
Feb 13, 2013
My 8 week old ameracauna just started crowing every morning. I can't keep him long enough to be big enough to butcher as my neighbor is already asking about the noise and Craigslist is a bust. What do you cityfolk do with them? He's not very nice, so no big emotional loss for us, but I can't see butchering such a scrawny guy...he'd barely make a sandwich...

Sorry I wasn't clear...Roosters are not allowed in the city limits. He has a kind of Chester Arthur mutton chop appeal, but he's mean and now illegal :(
Other places to advertise--feed store, any other local advertiser like a Nickle, etc. If you can't get rid of him on Cl or similar, sometimes you just have to dispatch the bird. Yep, it sucks to be killed just cause you're male, but if he'd been correctly sexed at the hatchery he'd have been killed already. Plus, you said he's mean, so in my book that means a swift end anyway.

If you're just unable to dispatch the bird, you can see if your local animal shelter takes poultry.

Edited--where are you?
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