Coops Dad
Free Ranging
Fowl pox is here. Oddly, the Ameraucana and Ameraucana mixes aren't symptomatic and the Rhode Island Reds have minor blemishes but my American Bresse are ugly with it. It seems to be the dry variety; no lesions in their mouths. The turkeys seem to be completely free of symptoms.
Everyone is eating and drinking normally, and none are acting sick. So far, so good.
And yes, we are dealing with an absolute plague of mosquitoes this year.
Pics are of one of the Bresse chicks and one of the Brown Leghorn chicks. The Bresse is rough while the Leggy is unaffected.
Everyone is eating and drinking normally, and none are acting sick. So far, so good.
And yes, we are dealing with an absolute plague of mosquitoes this year.
Pics are of one of the Bresse chicks and one of the Brown Leghorn chicks. The Bresse is rough while the Leggy is unaffected.