This year has been absolutely CRAZY WET!
I have NEVER had such

EVIL, atrocious, awful, odious, ghastly and did I mention FOUL? RUNS AND BACK YARD IN MY LIFE!!

The water is still standing in puddles even in the driveway stones!!! My dogs have my house a mess, not only the wet slop its when it dries it turns into dust and dust is covering EVERYTHING! I swear my vaccume is going to start sneezing its so dang dusty.
Imma bit MUDDDDDD STRESSED right now, anyone else?

I have ag limed and limed the runs and the rain just keeps rainin! I have added skids just to walk on! I give up, Imma sell or give away every dang thing that has a feather here!! I swear I am!!!
I think I need to vent and post a few mud jokes just to make myself feel better.....
the stench, well I am still trying to forget about the stench!!!