Ohio chicken crazy!


6 Years
Mar 21, 2013
Hi! We have had chickens about 20 years off and on...for the past 15 years every year I try out a new breed...all in all the Buckeyes have been my over all favorite....this year I have gone w a y too crazy ( says hubby!) I have a 2 year old flock of 4 ASABrowns, 4 Terra Tints, 1 Astrolourp,4 Easter eggers and a barred rock...I am adding 6 more 6 week old Easter eggers, 4 Silver lace Wyandotte, 4 gold lace Wyandotte., 8 welsummers, 1 Olive egger, 6 cuckoo marans and 3 unknown bonus babies! I can't wait for that first basket of rainbow eggs!
Hi Jilly, so nice to meet you. I love your avatar - did you raise her? Chickens are like ice cream , you have to try every flavor. Why not? You can have more than one favorite. Glad you joined the BYC flock.
Yes that is Rosie! Our banana and Graham cracker eating doe! I found her as a newborn and she live in our house until 5 months old!! She broke herself of us at 18 months when she had her own baby. We still see her in our fields but she doesn't visit anymore!!!
I have a serious problem...3 of my hens have lost all of the feathers on their underside. I mean bald!!! I thought that they might have an allergic reaction to the new pine shaving bedding but it's what I always buy. I flip them upside down everyday and check them...still no signs of new feather$...

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