OK..here is a pix of my dear Annabelle...A WHITE RIR!!


In the Brooder
10 Years
Mar 18, 2009
This is a pix of my dear sweet Annabelle that we raised from an egg.(sigh) She is supposed to be a RIR!! Has anyone ever seen a WHITE RIR?? The guy that we got them from swears that he seperates all of the RIR's from the others....sooo I'm wondering how on God's green earth did we end up with a white RIR??!!
OH, also can anyone tell by the pix is she really a she?
I've been told that RIR's are really difficult to sex until the ole cock-a-doodle-do. She is 9 weeks old.
That ones not difficult to sex at all. It's a cockerel.

There are Rhode Island Whites, but that cockerel isn't one of those either. (black on the back.)

It looks like a mix. Sperm can stay viable in a hen for approximately 21 days. Some last even longer.
Definately looks like a rooster. The wattles do not look like a hen to me and that comb looks awfully big for 8 weeks old. Also, looks a like delaware cross of some sort to me...

What are breeds does the seller have?
Thank you for your prompt replies...DH said she was a he all along, I guess I've been in denial
. We have 3 (including Annabelle)RIR, 1 EE, and 3 BR ...Which one would you keep as a breeder and who gets to go to freezer camp??

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