Ok, I sent for some Moderns...


10 Years
Apr 12, 2009
West Virginia
I had said earlier than I wanted some, so I sent for 15 of them from Ideal, to arrive in June.

A more useless thing I cannot imagine, but I just like the look, and I can picture them scooting about all over the place.

I got some Black Sex Links to make it a little more useful; they should start laying in December.

They sound nice. Post some pics when you get them. Who says you can't have chickens just for the enjoyment! I am thinking of getting some Buttercups just because I like how the females look and think they would look nice in my yard lol.
I asked for Lemon Blues. However, last year when I sent for them, they did not get a good hatch, so I didn't get them. So this time, I said that if they did not have enough Lemon Blues hatch out, just substitute Blues.

So I hope I get them this time. I sent for 15. Surely with 15 I should get a pretty nice mix of male and females.

I notice that they kind of hedge about whether they will fight or not, but my birds free range, so I am hoping that they will not fight. Do yours fight? What colors do you have?

How fun! I never thought I liked Moderns, and then I saw them in real life for the first time at the PPBA Stockton show and I was surprised that I found them rather charming! I even almost bought one at the sale barn, haha. Good luck, and post pictures when they arrive!
Modern Game bantams:


Just the birchens here. I'd love to have blues or lemon blues.
Mine will run away instead of fighting. I think they've long since had the 'game' bred out of them (if they ever had any to start with. I *think* they were bred to be an exhibition bird).
June will be here soon!

Thanks for that pic, Lisa.

Yeah, see, those would never do as anything remotely useful. Maybe for *sport,* as they remind me of Asils.
Or to laugh at after a few beers - oh wait, that is what Naked Necks and Showgirls are for.

They seem kind of pointless, really, but hey... to each his own. The little cockerel is kinda tough lookin', aint he?

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