I just got off the phone with the michigan department of agriculture. A man, who shall remain nameless, provided me with some reassuring information. I do not own chickens yet but do have awful neighbors so I wanted to make sure that when they called to complain, the township would know what my rights are. After reading the MRTFA and the GAAMPS, I emailed my township and was told that I could in-fact own livestock if I had 10 contiguous acres. Which of course I do not. The man from MDA said that it should be my right to operate a farm on my property because my residential zoning allows for livestock, despite the fact that I don't have the acreage because the MRTFA protects me from that stipulation. As long as you observe the GAAMPS, you should be fine. That doesn't mean that someone cannot lodge a complaint. That doesn't mean that you cannot be investigated. My only concern was then the restriction on outbuildings and the permit for the coop. He then referred me to ACT 230 OF 1972 which says that outbuildings used for agricultural purposes do not require a permit. They should however observe the setback restrictions, it's just neighborly. I hope this helps all of you chicken keepers in Michigan who are battling with townships, neighbors, etc. I plan on sending my township an email with attachments to the MRTFA and the GAAMPS. I will proceed from there. On another related note... If you are part of an HOA, I don't believe the MRTFA will or should protect you. It is a voluntary contract entered into. That is why I was careful to buy a house without an HOA. I don't like rules!
Hope this helped. And PLEASE don't try and track down the man I talked to. He simply doesn't have the time to answer all the same questions he did for me. He told me everything he knows so I promised to pass it on to all of you. I swear he was really worried if I posted that I talked to him, everyone was going to call and hound him!
Hope this helped. And PLEASE don't try and track down the man I talked to. He simply doesn't have the time to answer all the same questions he did for me. He told me everything he knows so I promised to pass it on to all of you. I swear he was really worried if I posted that I talked to him, everyone was going to call and hound him!