Ok what are they ??


5 Years
Sep 9, 2014
They where suppose to be Easter Eggers but they don't really look like anyone else's. I also bought a silver laced Cochin , but she turned out to be a Blue Cochin so now I'm wondering if these guys are something wise too ?
You are correct--those are not Easter Eggers. Instead, they are beautiful Welsummer hens that will probably lay some nice dark brown eggs for you.
Hummmm I have been getting a small dark brown egg. I was thinking maybe it was my Blue Cochrin. I bet it's one of these two !
BantamLover21 thank YOU !!!! I knew something was amiss !!! That's exactly what they are !!!!
They are !!! I just went and looked at that breed. That's exactly what they look like :) and I'm glad to hear people say they become more friendly as they get older. They have been the most skittish chickens I have !

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