I am having a hard time deciding what my 5 magpie are...I know 2 are female, but the other 3 I can never get my hands on usually and I know I hear a definate male so there are still 2 I am not sure about and I cant get my hands on them to make them holler and fuss at me, lol. They are about 14 weeks old, so when will they start showing any physical signs of gender? Or do magpie? All mine have greenish/bluish tinges but like i said I know for sure 2 are female they have the great honkish quacks when my 5 yr old chases them and when I pick them up. I know some species' drakes get curly tail feathers and get the green tinges to the black but....I don't know...
Any help would be appreciated because as much as I love my ducks I have to thin out the drakes in the magpies to 1: ? hens/ducks.
Any help would be appreciated because as much as I love my ducks I have to thin out the drakes in the magpies to 1: ? hens/ducks.