OKay, now I have pictures Welsummer roo chick? Almost 4 weeks old

Chicken Fruit

10 Years
Feb 25, 2009
Echo Homestead
This bird is an absolute tool, Iam not manhandling him in the pictures, it just looks rougher than it was, he was relaxed- he just looked all funky... lol.

oookay, this guy is bigger than my other welsummer chick, the little nubs where spurs ought to be on a boy are a little bigger than the others and sharper already. His legs are thicker, his feathers are pointer than the others, and his back is taking a long while to feather out, theres still a funky stripe down the middle, where the others have feathered out nicely. the wattles are also ha-ugely more developed than the others, as well as the comb... Oh, and he's the only bird with bald shoulders or whatever that area is called in the pictures.

What say ye?

He was supposed to be a she, I only ordered 4 welsummers, sold two, kept two... but i guess having a roo would ne nice for breeding- but he's really a tool.





I want to ask about my black australorp that i think is a roo too, but this guy JUST developed all this stuff in the last day or two... lol...
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Sorry! I had the privacy settings on family and friends... I thought i clicked it over to public when i uploaded...but i didnt...

okay... NOW what do you think?!

The pictures arent the best, my husband didnt seem to understand what I was wanting pictures of.
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a good profile shot would be good, along with one of the other chick. You might also get more lookers if you have the pics show up on the page instead of having to click a bunch of links. (yes we`re lazy and there are a lot of posts to look at).
I've tried quite a few times to put pictures in the post... but I cant seem to figure it out. Is there a trick? It seems like I should just be able to put the photo's location (the url) between the image html notations...

This is like the third time i've tried asking about the gender of chicks, to no avail... i think iam just going to wait for them to lay eggs or crow... lol
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When you are looking at all of your pics on Flickr, click on the one you want to post and on the next page click on where it says "All Sizes" which is just above the pic.... When the next page comes up, right below the photo it'll say "2. Grab the photo's URL:". That is the URL you want to use when posting pics from Flickr. When you get that URL copied, you need to post it in the forum post using the Img button. Make sure it goes between like this

ETA: BTW, I have no idea what gender the chicks are, but I hope you find out.
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