okay whats the final real word on acorns, poplar seeds, say hickory nuts


7 Years
Nov 23, 2013
Like mentioned prev no longer have chicken girls. But go and see the girls down. the road. I call "abused"... I take them water at least carry with me and have ready when I visit if they have none in the older (prob never cleaned) water the old galvanized type. Also I believe he only feed the poor things scraps. and whole crappy GMO corn.. Like yesterday saw the grandson bring lots of packaged cheap white left over buns from a function the owner attended.He threw most, to the two white ducks that hang around the small pond... I bring the chickens layer feed organic brand ( buy) and say dried peas, rice, lentils, little canned fish, apple carrot peelings cooked sweet pot peelings.. lots of fresh weeds like clover, dandelions , chickweed.because mine are not spread etc in our small lot here now.
I believe the rundown rotten looking rusty falling apart, missing areas of poultry wire RUN has been in the same spot for many many years. The owner is not the nicest friendliest person.Its hard to keep my mouth shut to him..
well anyway. I pick up lots of hickory nuts , acorns etc before Hubby blows or rakes into the woods. I pick up gobs of poplar seeds (I believe tulip poplar seeds) everyday. Been throwing them in garbage or burning ... can the chickens I see and try to make their miserable life easier. eat them safely.???
thanks y'all
Sounds like some pretty harsh judgement from someone that may have more resources or nutritional understanding than the owner. :hmm

I might suggest that if you have true concern for the well being of said animals that you call animal control. They don't sound abused to me, just judged for having a different lifestyle than what you would choose. Animals in the wild don't live posh lives either. And like it or not, many of us feed and eat GMO crud. Not all GMO are bad.

I'm sorry, I don't know if the seeds you mention are toxic in any way or not. I have read a lot of things about acorn toxicity, but know it applies to certain species more than others. I tend to watch what the other birds are eating and if they seem to be enjoying them then I may share some with my chooks.

If you're gonna complain about him feeding buns, please know rice is NO better.

Please don't get me wrong... I LOVE that you care about the animals and WANT to HELP! :highfive:

Hopefully you will get more answers and suggestions. :fl
I've never seen my chickens eat any acorns in my yard, and there are plenty. They've also never eaten a hickory nuts in the yard, and there are plenty. The nuts are much too large and there's no way even a very determined, hard headed chicken is ever going to crack one open to get at the goodies inside.
are you all kidding? animal control? animal control might care about a dog or cat etc.. but a little old $2 chicken?
The owner) Hes not wealthy but he not rich either..he has quite a bit of property and a neat tidy BIG house
grandson couldn't care less either he has ADH etc or whatever.
If y'all could see that rusty falling down run y'all would understand. His chickens are just "things" to him.The Poultry wire is hanging down coming off its pitiful.IM CAREFUL NOT TO LET THE WIRE HIT ME IN FACE OR RIP MY SKIN.
he told me when I CALLED his buddy down the road about chickens not having any water one hot afternoon HE CAME UP TO ME po ed. said he didn't want to hear about such and"he;s had chickens for 16 yrs and never lost one" (He was prob embarrassed and drinking a lot too..).I know thats a lie Cause yrs ago lost some to say a fox...
The reason I called his Buddy cause I thought he may have been in hospital or out of town...
Matter fact lots of people esp guys in this develpment have "drinking problems"
Its after 3 and need to run as I haven't visited them for couple days. So cold lately
thanks y'all
Matter fact lots of people esp guys in this develpment have "drinking problems"
Sorry that's the way it goes sometimes. :(

Not all animal control officers are worthless piece of junks. Some actually care about all animal life. And fortunately laws ARE changing so they cannot be treated as property. Even live stock have an expected level of care. And access to water is one of them.

Yes, of course that guy is lying! :smack NO one keeps chickens for 16 years and doesn't lose any. What a foolish statement.

Sorry my suggestion won't seem to work for you... No I was kidding, I was trying to be helpful... But I do understand your frustration and sentiment. Guess all I can say, is hang in there and do your best. Your kindness is priceless, it'll come back to you. :highfive: I would be worried about some Stew Pidasso losing a bird and suing me for poisoning them. :duc But maybe Kentucky ain't as sue happy as California?

Start taking pictures... when there is no water. Build a case. Animal cruelty is just that... and I agree with you it is NOT acceptable. You may feel as though it is pointless... raise public awareness... eyewitness news stories... hold officials accountable. YOU gotta start somewhere, if it's important to you. Even when we don't see immediate results, that doesn't mean wheels aren't turning. Change... real change takes time.. and effort. Repeated calls with multiple date stamped pictures... heck get them notarized for their date even. Sometimes ya gotta get creative. Just brain storming with ya! :fl

Anyways... I hope your afternoon visit went well. Being good to animals is a reward all it's own! :love

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