OKC CITY COUNCIL VOTE May 18th on legalization of backyard chickens!!


Mother of 5, Prisoner to None
11 Years
May 26, 2008
So I just found out a little while ago that the city council will be voting on legalization of backyard chickens in OKC on May 18th. Even though the poll that was set up was heavily in favor of legalizing backyard chickens, reportedly only two city council members plan to vote to approve it. We need your help!! Chickens are legal where I live because I live in a rural incorporated area that is still considered city limits, BUT for so many backyard chicken owning wannabes it is not so. As I'm sure you all know, backyard chickens can provide a low cost source of food for families, is a great way to support local food, and it will further prove OKC'S image as a progressively minded city. Please visit this link to read more information on the vote coming up, and to contact the city council members. Share your chicken owning experience and see if we can further the cause of local homegrown food, and backyard chicken owning in OKC!! Especially you OKC folks! Even if it's legal for us, there are so many out there that wish to own chickens that can't. Lets change OKC for the better!!
Thanks for reading!


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