Oklahoma chicken lover


May 4, 2015
Starting flock with leghorn rooster and 5 hens. 2 barred rocks, 2 game hens, and 1 gold mixed hen. All are 3.5 months old. What to expect?
Hello, welcome to BYC!

I guess one of the things you can expect are some eggs in the not too distant future. Our girls started laying around 18-20 weeks so in another month or so you could be getting some. Sometimes the 1st eggs are a bit odd looking (for example, jelly eggs or really small eggs) but that's just the 'plumbing' gearing up and the internal kinks being worked out. There's a really interesting article about egg abnormalities in the Learning Center, here's a link if you would like to check it out:

With 1 roo to 5 females, you may want to eventually get a few more hens. The recommended ratio is 1 roo to 8-10 hens, that's to keep the roo from over-mating the hens and causing them stress.

Oklahoma has a state thread you may like to subscribe to:

Hope that bit helps. Let us know if you have questions.

Good luck with your new flock!
If you mean, what to expect breeding wise, I have no idea what a mix of leghorn would be like with the hens you have. They are a diverse group and in some mixes the chicks don't look like either parent. I am guessing mixed chicks would not sell as well as purebred chicks
Ya, not breeding them for resale. Thanks for the advice. Good to know about adding a couple of hens to take pressure off the five I have. Guess I didn't think about spreading hid love out!
Like most just wanting to know when the eggs are coming. I took their roosting bar in their run down, as the have two inside the coop and they are crowding into the nesting boxes to roost and messing up in them. Suggestions?

Welcome to BYC and the coop! There's a lot of great peeps here! Feel free to ask lots of questions. But most of all, make yourself at home. I'm so glad you decided to joined the BYC family. :frow
Yep, egg will be soon coming and there is nothing sweeter then fresh eggs! Good luck with your girls!

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